About Us

Qimiao Life is an e-commerce website headquartered in Toronto, Canada. We focus on bringing our consumers in Canada the latest Chinese smart living solutions that include electronic gadgets and lifestyle gears. We sourced directly from Chinese manufacturers who make the most advance consumer electronic gadgets and lifestyle gears.

We carry only the big brands from China which produce reliable, affordable and cutting-edge technology products and have been demonstrated by millions of local consumers. Our famous brands include Xiaomi, Mijia, Mi, Yeelight, Bear, Huohou, Deerma and more. We only choose the brands that we know they bring extra values to our consumers in either better design, or better price by comparison with existing products in North America. For example, Xiaomi, we see the advantage in quality, design and pricing by comparing with other brands.

Qimiao has always upheld the beautiful idea of ​​discovering the little beautiful things in life. We hope that the smart living products we selected can bring you a wonderful life experience.

We have always believed that life may not be perfect, but it can be wonderful.